Be sure to keep in mind that both treatments are available at Front Range Plastic Surgery in Loveland, CO! Dr. Schutte and the rest of our staff are proud to serve Northern Colorado, Wyoming, and Nebraska from our office in Loveland, CO.
Facial Procedures
Our focus now shifts to a distinct set of cosmetic procedures — facial treatments. Our facial procedures are comprised of Facelifts, Eyelid Surgeries, and Brow Lifts. Today’s post will provide a general overview of each facial procedure we offer at Front Range Plastic Surgery. Please keep in mind that everything we do is for the ultimate purpose of bringing our patients an improved sense of beauty, wholeness, confidence, and balance. We are passionate about putting our experience and knowledge to good use, and that’s exactly why we have chosen to highlight our facial procedures in today’s blog, part of a two-part series on the matter!

Facelift Surgery In Northern Colorado
Eyelid Surgery
It’s also worth noting what eyelid surgery does not accomplish. While it can be quite effective in eliminating puffy bags and drooping lids, eyelid surgery will not affect crow’s feet or other such wrinkles. Neither will it remove dark circles under eyes or lift eyebrows that sag.
While eyelid surgery is often most beneficial for its capacity to enhance your appearance and self-confidence, keep in mind that it won’t necessarily change your looks in a dramatic fashion. That’s why we’d encourage you to think carefully about your goals before you make your decision. Typically, ideal candidates are 35 years old or older, and are physically healthy, psychologically stable, and grounded in reality regarding their expectations.
We’d encourage you to take advantage of your complimentary consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Schutte, at your convenience. He is adept in discussing options with our patients so that all Front Range Plastic Surgery patients are confident and secure about the choice in the procedure they have made. Check out our dedicated resource on eyelid surgery for details!
Schedule Your Free Consultation
In part two, we’ll highlight our Forehead Lift Surgery, also known as a Brow Lift. If you have any questions regarding the cosmetic and plastic surgery options we have at Front Range Plastic Surgery, don’t hesitate to contact us. Schedule your free consultation today!