Are you headed toward a mastectomy? Did you already have one? Are you wondering if you need one? No matter where you are, it’s a difficult situation. At Front Range Plastic and Surgery, we understand the weight of the decisions you have to make – as well as the emotional process that follows. We aren’t counselors, but your well-being is incredibly important to us. We offer breast reconstruction as an answer to your loss, and though we specialize in the physical operation, we want to set you on the road to both physical and emotional reconstruction. In today’s blog, we’re going to discuss how to handle this major change.
Strive for a positive attitude
- There will be low moments as you deal with the loss of your breast or breasts, but surviving cancer is a pretty bright spot. Additionally, if you opt for breast reconstruction, you will be able to get breasts that you might like better than the originals. Find the happy spots wherever you can, even if they seem ludicrous. It’s your life, and you deserve all the happiness you can get.
Be transparent with your partner
- We understand that a mastectomy can profoundly impact physical intimacy – from your self-esteem to the loss of sensation. Many women find that they can still have very -if not more so- rewarding physical relationships, but it starts with communication.
Deliberately do things that make you feel good about yourself
- What makes you feel confident, healthy, and happy? Maybe it’s watching your diet, doing exercise classes, or just taking the time to sit and read for a while. Make a point to do things you love.
You are more than your body; sometimes, you have to remind yourself. Let us help you get started by providing world-class breast augmentation and reconstruction. Learn more today.