Initially Dr. Shutte will discuss with you in your initial consultation what precautions you will need to take before your surgery. We will make sure you are aware of what foods you can eat prior to your surgery as well as post-surgery. Your overall diet will be evaluated and a plan will be devised for you that will include foods that you want to avoid, like foods that contain salicylate. Any medications or vitamins that you take will also be covered to make sure that you don’t have anything that will influence the recovery period after the procedure. Some of these medications and vitamins include aspirin, vitamin E, and ibuprofen as they are the most common. If you are a smoker, we may instruct you quit the use of any products that contain nicotine in any form. This is very important because it is a detrimental factor in your overall healing process. A mammogram may also be recommended to before your procedure to ensure your overall breast health as well as a baseline for future comparison.
Lastly you will discuss with Dr. Shutte the type of anesthesia that will be administered, where the procedure will take place, and your obligations as a patient. It is vital that you are prepared as best as you can be for your procedure so that you can allow your body the best recovery possible. We will visit your recovery and steps in our final post in the series “Part 3: Recovering From Your Breast Augmentation Surgery.”